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  • Congratulations to P6/7 - Roots of Empathy

    Wed 17 Jun 2020
    Congratulations to P6/7 for completing their Roots of Empathy Programme, led by Ms Cochrane this year.

    Despite lockdown, Baby Willow, Mum and the class group have been able to keep in contact and share lots of the great experiences of being a baby. This even involved Willow having her first tooth and standing up by herself for the first time.

    Roots of Empathy develops empathy in children today so they can build the world that they deserve.

    It has reached over one million children globally with their school based programs and have research to prove impact. Roots of Empathy reduces aggression, increases sharing, caring and inclusion, and promotes resilience, well-being and positive mental health.

    Click the link below to find out more.

    Well done everyone - we are so proud of you all!

    E Quinn