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On Fridays, Primary Three usually do their spelling test and a piece of writing. 


Spelling Test - Please test your child on list 19. (This has been stuck into the children's blue spelling books and they have been practicing all week). This can be done at the back of their book. 


Over the past few weeks, we have been learning about adjectives. We have been discussing many of the different adjectives we can use to describe characters, places and things. To prepare for next week's task, today's activity will help the children to get used to writing about a scene and use adjectives in their sentences. 


For the worksheet attached, the children are to write about the picture. Try to include as many adjectives to describe different aspects of the picture.  Please aim to write at least 4 sentences about the picture, 2-3 if you find that your child is really struggling. 


Also attached is a pirate descriptive word page to give some ideas of adjectives that may describe the picture. 


Upload your child's work to their private dojo page or send to me via message where I will mark, comment and return by 4 p.m. today.

If you have any questions or queries, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kind regards

Miss Mayne


