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World Around Us - Victorians

The children have been learning about the Victorians and had just started to discover some of the wonderful things that were invented during that time.


Yesterday I gave you a website link regarding Isambard Kingdom Brunel a very famous Victorian indeed! Today I have included the same link and another link from BBC school radio for the children to listen to Victorian workers experiences of building Isambard Kingdom Brunels inventions.


Can you write three facts that you remember about Isambard Kingdom Brunel??


Can you discover some of the amazing things he built and try to make your own version?

(The model making may take a couple of days to complete).


Please upload photos of your child's work to your private dojo page and I will mark and return message you before 4.30 p.m.


If you have any queries or questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Kind regards

Mrs Reganx
