Dear Parent
We run a 1:1 reading intervention for children called Toe by Toe. Please see below an invite for new training. Parents welcome to attend. Please register via the details included. Many thanks . EQ
TOE BY TOE Literacy Workshops, NORTHERN IRELAND - 28/11/2016 & 29/11/2016
Dear Senco,
I hope this finds you well. If you are looking for effective strategies to use with your struggling readers, you may be interested in one of the literacy workshops we will be presenting in Northern Ireland later this month:
1/ From 2:00 - 4:00 on the afternoon of Monday, 28th November 2016 at:
N.W. Regional College, Northland Boardroom, Northland Building, Strand Road, Derry
2/ From 1:30 - 3:30 on the afternoon of Tuesday, 29th November 2016 at:
Knocknagoney Community Centre, 41A Knocknagoney Drive, Belfast BT4 2QF
For more than a decade we have been travelling around schools in the U.K. and overseas to give direct training to those members of staff involved in literacy training. In most schools in the U.K. this usually means teaching assistants though many teachers and parents also find the training useful. It is our task to demonstrate the best way to use our resources for maximum effectiveness and the workshop will be as ‘hands on’ and jargon-free as possible. It is also part of our job to enthuse the people involved and to show them just how rewarding it can be to guide a struggling reader onto the path to literacy.
The cost of the workshop is £25 / person. This is discounted to £20 / person if a school sends 3-5 people and £15 / person for 6 people or more. Interested parents would be charged at £20. If you are interested in sending staff on the course, please contact Frank Cowling at:
Tel: 01274 598807
Kind regards,
Frank Cowling - TOE BY TOE Ltd